Happy Coders -the leading CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integration Services Chennai to enable ecommerce websites to sell products and services online and accept payments in real-time.

Whatever the size of your e-business, CCAvenue got a solution for you. It comes with a flexible system enough to suit your requirements. To provide you and your customers a secure shopping environment, CCAvenue offers the highest level of encryption.

Your E-business is secure with CCAvenue:

CCAvenue is one of the most secure payment service providers as it uses secure servers throughout. Contrary to media myth, computer-to-computer transactions using secure servers are generally considered very safe, even safer than, transactions that rely on signatures on bits of paper or card details dictated across open telephone lines. 

CCAvenue contains a number of features designed for e-commerce security across the Internet. Combined, these features make CCAvenue many times more secure than other “distant” users of a credit or debit card, such as telephone or mail order. It adopts stringent security measures to ensure that critically sensitive information, such as your customer’s personal information, is protected.

 For ultimate data security, CCAvenue follows the policy of making your customers place their Card numbers and bank details directly onto the secure web pages provided on various Net Banking interfaces.

Benefits of CCAvenue:

  • Secure links between your Customer, your site, CCAvenue Payment Gateway, and the Acquiring Banks and.
  • No merchant account required. 
  • Your Indian customers pay in Indian Rupees. 
  • Fast and efficient Set Up. 
  • Fast and efficient Credit Card processing (the entire process takes less than 15 seconds) 
  • Powerful and informative range of real-time reports Weekly settlement of your payments
  • Up-to-date technology: CCAvenue services are constantly upgraded and updated with cutting edge technology and hence there is no need for you to upgrade any of your hardware or software. 

    Get A Free Consultation

    Are you interested in collaborating and working with us? Please don't hesitate to contact us.

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