PayPal is an online financial that allows you to pay or receive money using a secure internet account. PayPal is very famous and mostly used everywhere online because it is secure, easy to use, well trusted and is not complicated.

PayPal has been in the mobile payments business for more than a decade. It’s been around even longer as an online financial service, but mobile is the area that seems to be growing fastest. Paypal is well known and having it as a payment gateway at your online store makes it more easier and trustful for your customers to buy from you and visit your store more and more in the future.

PayPal Payment Gateway Integration Company Chennai

Why Paypal is a must for your online store

PayPal is Popular

The main benefit of accepting PayPal payments at your online shop is that your customers probably already know, and love, the service. Most people, who do a lot of online shopping, now have a PayPal account. This is because the service is accepted everywhere and is trustful.

Payment preference features

With Paypal, you can keep certain buyers away from your shop. You can set your ‘‘Payment Preferences’’ however you want them, so that you only sell to those who meet your requirements.

Less Charges

With Paypal, you only pay when you sell. Unlike other online payment services, which charge a monthly or annual service fee, PayPal only charges you when making a sale. Also it comes with no sign up fees and no termination fees.

High Level of Security

With PayPal, forget about hackers or internet threats and frauds. There is a reason why it is widely used and being trusted by millions of users, PayPal is SECURE.


PayPal is available in 203 markets and multiple currencies.It is almost everywhere.

Mobile Friendly

Your customers will be able to view a report of all their orders from your website during a given period.It is a great informative feature.

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