Long story short, If your website is not Responsive, you have to chance to survive among your competitors. To know what our developers are capable of and how a responsive layout can affect your website, let’s take Happy Coders’ website and the page you are browsing right now as an example. If you are on a tablet, you notice it fits nicely there, a cell phone also the same, and a desktop computer as well. If you are on a desktop you can see responsive design in action by grabbing your browser window and making it bigger and smaller. You will see that the website responds by adjusting the text and visual items on the screen to make viewing the page easier.

Why a Responsive Design

More Mobile Traffic

Most internet users are using smartphones nowadays which brings more traffic to your website.

Faster Webpages

If a site isn’t optimized for smartphones and tablets, it will also take more time to navigate, which can frustrate customers to a point of no coming back.

Lower Bounce Rate

if your site isn’t responsive, it is much harder to keep the visitor engaged and therefore more likely that they’ll leave.

Higher Conversion Rates

Creating a consistent user experience across all devices makes users less likely to get frustrated and is key to converting new customers.

Better SEO

Responsive web design is becoming as important to search engine optimization as good content. Having a single responsive website rather than separate desktop and mobile versions avoids the issue of duplicate content, which can negatively impact your search ranking.

Better Browsing Experience

First impressions are everything, so whether someone is visiting your website from their desktop or their smartphone, you want them to have a consistently positive experience. If visitors must do a lot of zooming, shrinking and pinching their screens during their first visit, they’re likely to give up and try another website.

    Get A Free Consultation

    Are you interested in collaborating and working with us? Please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Website DesignOpensource CustomizationPayment Gateway IntegrationSeo and SmoLogo and Layout DesignE-CommerceWoocommerceWordPressOthers
